Google defines the Ad Manager as ‘a complete platform to grow ad revenue and protect your brand wherever people are watching, playing, or engaging.’
It is an ad exchange platform that enables you to buy and sell ads across a range of ad networks and locations.
Google Ad Manager helps you with detailed targeting and reporting, monetizing multiple platforms, as well as increasing ad revenue.
In this blog post, we take a look at what the Ad Manager is, how it differs from other Google products such as Google Ads, as well as how you can grow ad revenue with the platform.
So, let’s get started!
Let’s first take a look at what Google Ad Manager is.
Now, Google combines the features provided by DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange into the Ad Manager.

So what are DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange?
A hosted ad serving platform, DoubleClick for Publishers helps you streamline ad management across websites, mobile pages, mobile apps, and games.
DoubleClick Ad Exchange, on the other hand, is a marketplace where you can offer ad inventory for a minimum CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) for advertisers to bid on.
Therefore, Google Ad Manager helps you manage and deliver ads to a range of audiences from a unified platform.
However, Google Ad Manager and Google Ads are not the same.
Google Ads refers to paid ads that appear on Google search results, as well as those that appear on other websites.
On the other hand, Google Ad Manager allows you to monetize a range of platforms as well as manage ads across numerous ad networks.
Hence, the Ad Manager helps you make Google Ads compete with other ad networks to enable you to maximize revenue.
In essence, Google Ads can be a part of Google Ad Manager, however, they serve different purposes.

Let’s now take a look at the features and advantages of Google Ad Manager.
Comprehensive targeting
Decide who gets to see your ads, as well as the type of ads you want to show on your website, in a detailed manner.
Your targeting options include:
- User device, such as phone, tablet, smartphone, and connected TV
- Browser
- Device manufacturer, such as Apple, BlackBerry, Ericsson, and HTC
- Language
- Operating system
- Mobile carrier or internet connection
- Geographic location
Detailed reporting
Create reports based on common data with multiple report types, such as:
- Currently Running Campaign Report: View the performance of orders and related line items which have delivered ads the day before
- Creatives Report: View the total number of impressions or clicks that your ad creative has delivered in the last 30 days
- Network Performance Report: Get an overview of the performance of Google Ads, Ad Exchange, and Ad Manager ads on a daily or monthly basis
- Network Geography Report: View the performance of Google Ads, Ad Manager, and Ad Exchange by country, over the last 30 days.
- Monthly Ad Unit Report: View the performance of a unit or set of ad units over the last 30 days.
- Device and Browser Report: Access metrics related to Google Ads and Ad Server on the basis of operating system or browser.
- Billing Report: View the impressions for a particular order over the last 30 days.
- Downloaded Impressions: View the number of served and downloaded impressions received by your ad server in the last 7 days.
Access multiple features
Maximize ad inventory yield for open auctions, reserved, and private marketplace deals. Run multiple campaigns, whether or not they are guaranteed on a programmatic basis.
Monetize a range of platforms
People consume content on a number of screen sizes and properties. Deliver, measure, and optimize ads across a range of devices and platforms.
Increase revenue
Get increased revenue with more advertisers competing for your ad inventory. Take your inventory to multiple demand partners securely.
Improve security
Ad frauds affect user experience and also result in website bans. Decide which ads you want to display on your publisher’s properties.
Wrapping up
In this blog post, we looked at what Google Ad Manager is, how it differs from other Google products such as Google Ads, as well as how you can grow ad revenue with the platform.
An effective marketing strategy for Google Ads helps you maximize conversions, reduce acquisition costs, and boost brand visibility.
Grow Ad Revenue With Google Ad Manager! Contact us.